07 November, 2011

Cracks, Fissure and Division in the rank and file of the Anna team is Justified for Better Health of Anna Team In Future?!


      It is good if there is shuffling and reshuffling in the Anna team because these team was formed haphazardly after getting huge support from different quarters at the time of giving dharna against corruption. The agitation got so much so popularity that more and more people fighting against corruption came closure to strengthen “India against corruption” without verifying the credentials of each members, neither there was time for screening of each members.  

The team Anna starts fighting with each others. There started cracks, fissure and division in the rank and file of the team members on one issue or on another-after getting world wide popularity by Anna-having staged dharna and 14 days fast at Ramlila ground pressurizing the government of India to bring the LokPal Bill to deal sternly with an employees due to rampant corruption in the government offices even in cases of penny work.
As usually happens-after getting popularity- there are always attempts to capture the credit of the agitation and, division in thoughts is inevitable for continuing the agitation to logical end; so they start quarrelling against each others. The fighting in team members  increased when trio Bedi, Kejriwal, and Sisodia campaigned against congress candidate in Hissar which hurted many members in the team having allegiance towards congress.

Anna Blog writer Mr. Raju Parulekar claimed that important members of Team Anna like Arvind Kejriwal, Manish Sisodia and Kiran Bedi are taking Anna towards 'doom' for their own interests. Anna forced to say that he has not employed him as an employee and decided to close his blog when Mr. Raju revealed that Anna in his letter has mentioned to revamp the team, in support of which he produced a letter written by Anna himself,

Mr.Raju  had said that in the letter the anti-corruption activist, Mr.Anna Hazare  has mentioned about his idea of restructuring the core-committee.

Today, Bal Thackery called Anna team- a team of Ramlilla & severely criticises for his nature of functioning.

After agitation, not only congress crusader’s Digvijay Singh increases attacks on Anna team in order to perform damage control exercise to regain the strength of congress party which he had suffered for institutionalization of corruption in India. He attacked on by one on Anna team members and it so happened that his two lieutenants Kiran Bedi and Arvind Kejriwal both has worked as commissioner in their capacity but while Ms. Bedi was caught in wrong billing and Mr. Kejriwal not following his service rule when he resigned.
Ms. Kiran Bedi ex-commissioner of police highly vocal in the team did not know how to claim and accounted for the bills which she had been charging from various institutes and NGOs for delivering her lecture. 
It was the biggest blunder committed by renowned lawyer and activist of many NGOs and senior member of Anna team, Mr.Parshant Bhushan pleaded for separation of Jammu and Kashmir without knowing the facts that there are many states in line which want to become separate nation. His action had badly diminished the creditability of  the Anna team in the eyes of masses who supported them with one and only one mission that this agitation would bring end of corruption in India since before the youth never supported any agitation sparked by any political parties because they knew it that political parties raise issue of corruption with ulterior motive to capture power though all parties are fed with corrupt money and engulfed in propogating corruption in India.

Anna is right, if he has been thinking to reshuffle his team since still the war against corruption will have to continue to compel the government to bent to his dictum. He is very seasoned 74 years old Gandhian leader and on his head, he has many winning feathers while fighting against corruption in Mahrastra unblotedly. If he is thinking of reshuffling his team, he is justified for the better health and credibility of his team after ridiculous of his senior team members with their unwittingly and mis-handling of their activities. 

The stage compere Mr.Vishwas Kumar having frustrated from the infighting , had to write a letter to Anna to reshuffle his team, the content of letter is appended below :

Quote : I am in no doubt that the word Team Anna is the product of the corrupt section of the media.Those who sat in the committee with the representatives of the government after April agitation to discuss the aspects of Jan Lokpal Bill have been targeted by the politicians of almost every political party.However,the congress party has been most active in maligning the names of the core committee members.In this regard,my view, is that the murky behaviour of those involved from UPA side should be totally ignored.Sadly,some of us have not been very careful in making public statements.We must guard ourselves what we say in public.My suggestion is we must direct this energy of ours in giving press conference only once a month where an articulated member should present the views on various issues both in Hindi and English.If Behen Kiran Bedi or Bhai Arvind Kejriwal is asked a question then they should say that this will be answered in the press conference.Congress has already witnessed defeat and they are now panic stricken.Let us do our work unitedly and keep our focus on the target as Arjun did in Mahabharat,which is to uproot this evil of corruption.The fight is long and hard but we must not be discouraged".

Anna should not also forget that his senior team members are immature and after serving government department if they could not understand the rule & regulation of their  respective department- how they can strangulate  the elected members to run the government at their dictates.

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