30 December, 2011


At last, debate in Rajya Sabha proved to be high packed drama jointly led by Congress and BJP to did its best to stop the Lokpal Bill to be passed out in the parliament, however,  the congress managed to got it passed in the Lok Sabha due to its majority. It always look that the congress in minority in Rajya Sabha despite the fact that oppositions are more divided in to pebbles and enemy to each others to defeat the motive of congress.  

Both the national parties are doing tamasha in the parliament for the last 43 days and bill are being put off under one pretext or an another. The BJP never did any home work and exercises before introduction of bill in both Sadan with others opposition leaders on floor management so as to even compel the congress to toe before any of amendments brought by many opposition parties and all amendments met the end fatally on the floor.

Though, the congress under public dented pressure brought the  well drafted along with sever punishment of  forfeiture of the all properties  of corrupt officials even before the convection. But by mischiefly they added the point of reservation for minorities amongst the 9 members of the Lokpal knowing the fact that BJP is allergic to reservation for minorities and BJP would do its all best to block the bill to be passed out under any pretext. And the same thing happened inside the Lok Sabja and Rajya Sabha.

It is also beyond doubt that the Congress  hatched a conspiracy with Trinamool's congress so that the bill could not pass out through this session. The Trinamool's congress while having voted in the Lok Sabha turned out in Rajya Sabha at the instance of congress because they do not want voting in the Rajya Sabha to see their bill fall so that the BJP could  celebrate the fall of the bill.

To halt the bill, BJP objected the introduction of bill under Article 253 of the Constitution   and compelled the government to bring the bill under Article 252, people are fully convinced that if the government had brought the bill under Article 253 than the BJP had objected to bring the bill under Article 252, simply with the intention so that the Lokpal bill could not become the act since they kept keeping the draft of bill for 6 years in cold storage when they were in power.

"Any act formed under Article 253 is mandatory on states but it was not likened by the national party like BJP so vehemently they oppose it so that regional parties in their respective state could make Lokayukta of their choice so that the loots could continue."

The BJP, however, did not seem keen to support passage of the anti-corruption bills, possibly apprehending that the government would publicise its achievement in the assembly elections in five states early next year, so he brought all irrelevant amendments knowing the facts that there is always need of Lokayukta in the states because  all departments of any state are drenched in corruption right from Chief minister to peon. But they were in favour of giving free hands to states to form their choice of Lokayukta so that they could continue to push corruption and could see the fall of bill for which they could not succeed due to intrigue and shrewdness of congress.

Most importantly, all common men are also failed to understand that when the whips had been issued and every member of any party was to follow party line than why speakers gave time to so many members of individual party to speak in the house besides leader of same party to waste time so that the bill could not be passed. Fundamentally, when the whip had been issued than the leader of the related party could only be allowed to give  amendments on any bill in any of houses so that  there could be less wastage of time in the house.

Lokpal bill is the only bill along with Women reservation bill which need very high deliberation and debate in the parliament before passing otherwise majority of bills had been passed even without presence of majority of members in the parliament. You may be knowing last time, 47 bill were passed in 17 minutes without bringing any amendments from any opposition. But this time all their academic and professional education were used to halt the LOKPAL bill for passage.  I really took pity to LOKPAL Bill Fate?!

Shamefully, both the national party forget that they are national party and owe to nation for their expectation, and all others regional parties have only vested interest restricted to their respective states.  BJP and congress are to come to expectation of the Indians at national level. Both are to enact the new laws for the removal of corruption or others weaknesses in the society. But both party all the time remain busy in scoring with each others forgetting their national responsibilities.

Shame! Shame! Shame! Let the common men suffer and let them play their politics to achieve their political goal.Who cares for the welfare of poor and common men otherwise?

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