10 December, 2011


Anna Hazare
  The parliamentary standing committee headed by Abhishek Shingvi M.P., on the draft Lokpal bill, presented the bill in the Rajaya Sabha which Anna Hazare on Saturday rejected the report by calling it weak, toothless and purposeless while law minister Khurshid Ahmed described it strong bill. Anna feel that his draft has been defeated

Speaking to reporters at a press conference, Anna Hazare, said, "Government has cheated and deceived  the entire nation; and further putting scathing attack, he said," We suspect Rahul Gandhi is behind government who is dictating his own terms to defeat the very purpose of the  Lokpal; the draft of which was prepared by standing committee and put in parliament yesterday."  

Anna Hazare launched a scathing and poisonous attack on the government, charging that it was "intoxicated" by power and we shall have to " fight for second independence" which has started which will go on till corruption is eradicated in our country. 
Anna and his team is of the opinion that  the corruption can not be eradicated by the provision of the tabled bill which was presented in the parliament and needs to be operated to be fit to serve the purposes.  "Anna  basically philosophy is that an ounce of image building is better than a tonne of action".

Anna Hazare further said, "This government is drunken by power and money. It cannot see anything else. They have forgotten the sacrifices carried out by our martyr  Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru for the nation. Like a drunk man becomes unconscious, similarly the government is unconscious about rampant corruption. 

Basically, Anna is pre-empted about the workability of Lokpal because this is only draft not bill.  Bill has to be passed by 770 MP yet. Secondly, Anna team is at fault if they insist of adding the prime  minister  in the bill because prime minster is prime minister who cares for 122 crores of Indian. Thirdly, for inclusion of one person -prime minster,  and on another hands they talk of  common men suffering from getting licences, ration cards, death or birth certificates , getting electric connection, MLR etc. There look quite distance between prime minster post and common men suffering.

Jantar mantar
Anna will go on an indefinite fast from December 27 if the government does not pass a strong Lokpal Bill.  The team Anna in order to put pressure on the elected members of parliament along with his supporter will sit at Jantar Mantar tomorrow,  the whole day along with his supporters demanding a strong anti-corruption law which majority M.P. Consider it strangulation of elected members.

Many people are now thinking why government is shy of presenting the strong and workable and purposeful Lokpal bill when civil society members consider that the India has become a heaven for corrupt people. What to speak of ill-gotten money with officers and ministers, even in recently raid on a municipal peon, a assets of 10 crores was caught by vigilance department in Madhya Pardesh. 

What lokpal will do or will do justice for the poors whose shares are being eaten by corrupt ministers, politicians, middlemen, corporators, officials, clerks and even peons, only a time will tell but it is sure that our society has become so much so corrupt it is very difficult to clean it unless a country wide raids are conducted on all those who have amassed the huge capital and wealth during the last 20 years. 

Merely creating , a new body consisting of 10 members can not put all the corrupt and adulterators  behind the bar unless some one help the body to catch them. The question arises who will come forward to help the lokpal when the whole society is drenched in colour of black money with corruption and adulteration which give than them pride, pleasure, pleasantness, peace, and status in the society.

There was time when- a character means who is unbloted; now the time has changed now criminals has more status in the society with their muscle power, black money, numbers of luxurious cars, kothi,s, bungalows and how many times he has remained behind the bar and raided by the income department.
We are passing through materialistic society not spiritual for which India was known. Though, you can find on every corner, one baba preaching characters but question arises despite so many shops of spirituality run by babas- than why our character and country characters is going down

Virtually, there are  already "Prevention of Corruption Act"  working in the country, and so many corrupt officials, corporators and ministers have been booked under it, the only difference in Lokpal and prevalent act is there is less punishment and if the punishment of forfeiture of property of corrupt person are added with tremendous fine, this can also give  desired result in minimising the corruption in the country.

So far the inclusion of CBI is concerned, it should be an autonomous body because it is being used by Supreme court, High court, Union and state Government on different occassion, and if it brought under the LokPal than the CBI can be misused by the Lokpal as the government have been using for smoothing their political motives. So, the lokpal can also use the CBI services after receiving the complaints against any corrupt officials once it is make autonomous body.

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