14 November, 2011

Former President APJ Kalam Insulted by USA

   Shame! Shame! for those who can,t save dignity of nation.

             What is the respect of common Indians in the eyes of USA when our former President of India and of biggest democracy in the world, A P J  Abdul Kalam was  twice subjected to frisking at New York airport by American security officials who(USA Employee) even took his jacket and shoes to check for explosives, an incident that left India fuming & with sulken faces. 

It is great shame for  all Indians for insulting our former president though USA apologises for Kalam frisking incident when India raised the issue with the government. On one  hand, USA wants friendship with India to sell his products in Indian market and for their ulterior motive, and on another hand he has been continuously insulting Indian dignitaries. 

Briefly speaking, A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, is a renowned aerospace engineer, professor (of Aerospace engineering), and first Chancellor of the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology Thiruvananthapuram, who served as the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. He was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honor in 1997

USA official later said : "We deeply regret the inconvenience that resulted for him (Kalam) as a result of the September 29 incident involving the security screening at JFK Airport in New York," a statement from the US Embassy here said, noting that it had the utmost respect for Honourable Kalam. 

This is the routine policy of USA, first to insult any nation or dignitaries and latter accept apology, and shed crocodile tears. Recently, he threatened the Pak, and on the next very day, Henery Clinton was in Islamabad to soothe the pak sentiments and showing fast friendshipness. "Double Standard of USA, Isn,t this?!"

The question arises even if he had not been president of India-can a man who is 80-year-old like Kalam and a  renowned man of world  will carry explosive in his shoes and jacket. Bad days of USA are ahead if it continue to adopt double standard polices in the world.

Though, India government outraged at the frisking incident and threatened retaliatory action against US dignitaries unless such "unacceptable" practices were not stopped but befitting response is must if you are dreaming to be one of the super power of world.

We do not to agree with the action of government of India- instead of threatening the USA for retaliatory action against VVVIP of USA, we should have frisked the foreign secretary of the USA Henry Clinton and others staff of embassy at Delhi airport in the similar manner as our Mr. Kalam was insulted-because we are vulnerable, tangible and need of- to more security checks than USA due to frequently terrorist activities in India.

After tightening our security rules for all who so ever big may be;  put all foreigners of any country to security check at all our international airport, when USA law does not exempt and spare even former president of India-lastly our former defence minister George fernades met the same treatment in the capacity of ruling minister at that time. Than, why our government has soft corner with USA officials and not frisking USA officials and dignitaries  at India airports. Does it not show the symptoms and signs of slavery which run in our blood for the last many centuries. We must have stripped them off so that they could know that they are not above any one in the world.

Secondly, it is my conviction that in India where our minister and high bureaucrats are engaged in big scams and  cases of illegal activities plus rape-from them to expect a respect is of no use. Because a person who do not care for his own respect how he can not save dignity and respect of  any Indians-but former president of India APJ kalam is not common men of our country rather he is Kohinoor of India.  Shame! Shame ! for those who are at the helms of the affairs but failed to protect dignity of nation.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for being an awakened Human BEING THAT TOO enlighhtened INDIAN Democrate.
    When ? the ruling governess stop linking Americans...
    ( Former President) if treated like this What happens to Madam Sonia Group, when they Go to AMERICA...does they accept slave treatment.


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