23 February, 2012

"Attack On Iran by Israel or USA Could Prove Big Misgivings To World"

Iran’s disputed and dreadful nuclear program has generated increasingly urgent statements from Israel and the United States because if Iran goes nuclear than both these country are mostly affected rather than world.

Iran is not only quasi theocracy state but also one of the very enriched crude producing nation amongst Arabian nation. This is roughly 10% of the world's total proven petroleum reserves. Iran is theworld's fourth largest oil producer and is OPEC's second-largest producer after Saudi Arabia. As of 2009 it was producing an estimated 4.172 million barrels per day (663.3×103 m3/d) of crude oil.

Talk of war over Iran’s nuclear program has reached a strident pitch in recent weeks, though the threats from Israel of a possible strikes on Iran look bleak because there is general opinion that nuclear oriented two countries never fight with each others any more like India and Pakistan.

“In order to have peace, be prepare for war”,  toeing this policy, the Iran is making nuclear bomb, and despite international pressure and economical sanction, the Iran is bent upon in continuing the preparation of nuclear weapon.

In retaliation for the sanctions, Iran vowed to block the Strait of Hormuz, a vital oil transit point for all countries. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff while threatening Iran against his vow, said that the United States would “take action and reopen the strait,” if blocked and transit route could be reopened by all means even if  military means or air strikes have been undertaken.

“One is failed to understand that when USA, Russia, UK, China, France, India, Pakistan  etc have innumerable nuclear weapons to destroy whole world than if Iran also makes nuclear bomb how does it makes difference with world longevity” and why world economy is being destroyed with increase in price of crude oil with this threat.

USA and others European countries are already debt-strapped and in recession and lost millions jobs due to wrong policies adopted by NATO and if they continue to pursue their conflicting policies against their woes countries   than there is little hope that ever the world economy could come out from recession because “high price of crude oil has already become Crude bomb to destroy the economy of every countries in the world”.

Pakistan is most notorious country in the world for supporting terrorists at government level, and is considered a progressive industry for making and supplying terrorists, but ironically, USA and China have been continuously supporting Pak economically and militarily. When Pakistan made nuclear bomb, USA never took any hard lines because Pakistan is his allies but danger to world is more from Pakistan than any others country.

Over the last many years, the United States has been criticizing Iran over its suppression of the Green Movement and its support for militant groups around the region like Hamas and Hezbollah. But there are so many terrorist groups which are working against interest of India, Afganistan and to the world as whole but nothing is done to contained Pakistan nuclear programme where the fear of falling of nuclear weapon in the hands of terrorists can,t be ruled out, and perhaps, USA has forgotten 11th September war on his world Trade Center.

Ironically, , it is the United States that gave Iran all helps to nuclearization. In 1950s, Americans provided the Shah of Iran a 5MW research reactor fueled with enriched uranium. Contrary to that  Iran signed the Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty ( NPT) in 1968.  In exchange, plans were made for a massive civil nuclear programme involving as many 23 nuclear power stations by the year 2000. At that times, it was not considered a threat to world if Iran could made 23 nuclear power station which can be used to make nuclear bomb at any times.

But the overthrow of the Shah from the Iran throne, changed it all. Western countries pulled of the projects underway. They want to help the Iran’s nuclear programme but at their terms. Had they been against the Iran nuclear programme than why NATO countries had been  providing all input to make nuclear reactors in Iran before 2000.

This is more or else seen that as and when, any countries do not fall in the line of NATO nations, the sanctions are  imposed to bring him in their lines but actually USA and others western countries want to sell their nuclear goods to any country what ever it may be threat to any neighbour or country. “It is all business game than any threat or war with Iran”.

Iran has long history of war and experiences in fighting tirelessly with his neighbour Iraq and USA should not underestimate Iraq acumen and military power when he knows it well that Pakistan has smuggled all nuclear technology to Iran, and China is continuously helping Iran’s nuclear programme, and any untimely attack on Iran by Israel or USA could prove disastrous in the world and  it could be very big misgiving for all the world.  

Iran Army vs Israel Video


___________________________________________________________________ "Democracy means- A government of the people, by the vote of the people, by the money of the people, and for the welfare of the people". Thanks

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