09 February, 2012

"Rise & Fall Of Anna Team In Public Perception"

Active Members of Anna Team
The factor of Anna Hazare,s team  who spearheaded the "crusade" against corruption has completely phased out amongs the public due to same overdoses given by their active members like Arvind Kejriwal, Manish Sisodia, Prashant Bhushan, and Kiran Bedi  besides Anna himself. The public could not eschew the repeatedly dosing of same sentences and rhetoric used by Anna Hazare without giving any viable alternative to the India society.

Corruption was the main issue and suffering of every citizens of India. Though, the political parties including BJP have been raising issue of congress's corruption but not to weed out  general corruption in government department. That were purely political agitations, so people never joined themselves in political parties agitation except their workers because their agitation was more to malign congress rule than to remove corruption from our rotten system.

Every Indian is sufferer of prevalent corruption in Indian system and know it well that there is corruption and who would provide the alternate to corrupt system is not sure. Anna and its team failed to provide the alternative except roaring and abusing political and employee class. They have the right to criticise employees and politicians but they never criticise the corporates & NGO who are not only corrupt but are also engaged in corrupt practices to dupe Indian citizens. They never  raised voice against the NGOs who work as tout between pubic and employees by keeping their relation with government officers.

Initially, Kejriwal and Kiran Bedi were lodging the agitation at a very small level but were not getting support from public and desired result which they were expecting. Having disgusted, they approached   Anna Hazare.  Anna Hazare simplicity and honesty attracted common men towards the crusade against corruption which latter took place at Ram Lila ground in new Delhi. At last,  "brannd of Anna" succeeded in getting support of general public at large irrespective of class, creed, and political parties.

In the end after hotted debate and counter allegation on one another Govt had to bow before Anna agenda to bring Janlokpal, and government had to bring the "LOKPAL bill" in the parliament in its own form rejecting major model submitted by Anna team.

Thought, the opposition and Anna team rejected the Lokpal bill on many grounds and call it a "joke pal bill" brought by Congress government. Meanwhile, Anna Hazare took wrong decision to start again agitation in consonance with parliament session to discuss Lokpal bill which was not likened by the public because that was not only wrong timing but also challenge to parliamentary system, so the agitation took by Anna in Mumbai fell flat on ground and not more than 100 people came to attend that may be tent house owner labour also.

Failure of Anna agitation in Mumbai led Anna and its team into depression and they have to call off their campaign in UP election. Anna himself fell ill and till has not recovered.  Though, Anna team took courage to hold some meeting in UP and Dehradon but  at that time, people had left Anna team while disbelieving  in the sincerity of their agitation and most of people start feeling and believing that the Anna team is working only against only and not against corruption and their motive is more or less to help BJP in election. Congress branded them stooges of RSS.


There were others factor too-because Shashsi Bhushan was fined for evading stamp duty  in his Allahabad house. Similarly, people was also angry due to anti India behaviour adopted by Shanti Bhushan son, Parshant Bhushan . Parshant Bhushan was also beaten by some group for giving a lecture against sovereignty and integrity of India. Kiran Bedi also had to eat pie for embezzlement in the NGO which she was running and the Delhi court order to file criminal case against her.

Besides all factors as quoted above,  were the main cause of fall of  the Anna agitation of  in the eyes of general public who started thinking that perhaps corruption is part and parcel of every Indian.  Anna also felt shy in admitting that RSS volunteers and sympathisers played major role in the success of his agitation, so RSS pulled their hands off in Anna agitation.

The fall of Anna team was inevitable because they were not ready to provide alternate to congress and BJP. They were shirking and fearing from entering politics and contesting election so that they could cleanse the system themselves at highest level.  People do not liked their attitude of not bearing responsibility. "Because in democracy, every citizen has the right and opportunity to defeat defunct system if you do not agree with the  present government ruling policies and working".

People knew it that the congress and BJP can not remove corruption. Public  wanted Anna and its team to lead nation.  On the other hand, Anna team were reluctant to form or float new outfit or political parties-people left with no alternate except to keep salient and hat off the Anna's agitation  though once they decided to form party whole India could have stood behind them.

None is responsible for failure of the crusade against corruption for which they had formed NGO named "India Against Corruption" except  "Anna team" themselves because they were started thinking as if they are only person in India who think better than elected MP and started speaking on every issue which they should not have spoken and solipsist in nature that they have key of all problems

In fact, the Anna team  have caused tremendous loss to the "movement against corruption" after Independence. Perhaps coming generation will not have to see again such successful agitation due to immatureness of Anna and its team to lead the crusade against corruption in the country.

____________________________________________________________________ "Democracy means- A government of the people, by the vote of the people, by the money of the people, and for the welfare of the people". Thanks

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