10 January, 2012

Whether Muslim Quota issue enough to win UP election?



January 10, 2012. The Muslim quota has become main election plank in the UP election. Before the implementation of code of conduct of the election, congress had started mischievously the issue of granting of 4.5% quota within the 27% OBC already sanctioned quota in jobs and institution. Though, it is already being given in many Muslim dominated states

The Congress party, which is making a determined effort to unseat the Mayawati government in the UP state, it was already expected from congress to highlight the quota decision to woo the Muslims during its campaign for the Uttar Pradesh assembly polls.

The Union Law cabinet Minister Khurshid Ahmed has promised today in his speech in Uttar pardesh to provide 9% sub-quota to Muslims if voted to power. Which has raised the eyes brow of the BJP.

The election commission has taken serious notes of his speech during the election campaign on the complaint of the BJP and is considering to issue show cause notice because his promise violates code of conduct. Congress has been raising the bogey of Muslim quota again and again on the commencement of election.

The BJP said," We will not allow any party to snatch or grab away the rights of backward classes. BJP will not allow the Congress or BSP or Smajwadi party to play the caste politics and try to divide the Indian public on the basis of caste or religion".

The congress intends to rule the Uttar Pardesh because Rahul Gandhi has put all his stake to win election though it does not appear that in any case congress can cross over 100 seats where they had victory in last Lok  Sabha election but still they do not desist from raising quota issue.

" The Ranganath Mishra Commission report had recommended 10 percent reservation for Muslims and 5 percent for other minorities based on the socially and economically backward criteria in his recommendation to government". So most of the party are saying that it is not adequate and congress has been and is befooling the Muslim society to woo its votes.

Maulyam Singh demands that the quota is inadequate and it should be increased to 18%. While BJP is very critical in giving any sort of quota to Muslim on religion basis  which our constitution does not permit any sort of quota on religion basis.

All the party are befooling the Muslim society because there is no sincere efforts on the part of the state or central government to create or provide jobs to the unemployed youths and playing the Muslim card on the eve of election which they have been playing for the last 60 years.

Muslim organisation are repeatedly criticising political parties blank promises to Muslim youth before every election while the social  and economical condition of the majority of Muslim society is not worth like living.

Muslim even are themselves responsible for their hand to mouth condition because they vote as a block and do not get eduction so that they could get any profitable jobs.They prefer to do small artisan jobs than government and industrial jobs due to their religious rites.

Wakf Board employees once told me," Who will allow Muslim to pray six times a day during working hour. Only moderate Muslim can be employed in private factory or government job who are ready to work continuously for unbreakable 8 hours."

There are many issue like poverty, housing, portable water, cleanliness, eduction, corruption, unemployment, inflation, etc instead of  all burning issues which effect  common men political parties intentionally raise such issue based on religion and caste in UP so that the votes of common men could get polarized around one or another party.

Political parties have not learnt lesson from Bihar where Muslim rejects the bogey of Muslim card politics and gave their votes according to their conscience , and it is expected again awaken Muslim will caste votes to progressive and bitterly honest candidates in UP election too.

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